Well, this time
You will not
Get away with what you've done
And the secret we share
Won't remain unrevealed very long
For the ghosts of these days
Are still out, safe and well after me
And the pain
Did not cease
And the wounds will not heal
So you see, I can't be a silent voice anymore
Now the damage is done
It's too late for regrets
Now the damage is done
And I just can't go on
Now the damage is done
It's too late for regrets
Now the damage is done
And I just can't go on
So you see
I can't be
A silent voice anymore
So you see
I can't be
A silent voice anymore
So you see
I can't be
A silent voice
Not even for you
check amazon for Silent Voices mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by M. Stewart Songwriter(s): brigitte demeyer Record Label(s): 1997 Wax Trax Records, Inc Official lyrics by