panic constancy it
depends of the point of
whatever it,s ocming
with your own questions
about the hellish
only free form makes
the papers green
will I be better than the
will I be stronger being
the leader
I,ll let it go and try
the best thing to do
i,ve got a present for you
present for you
dreaming with a growing monster
he comes with you from a long way
drive your dream and feed it
to make it come true
with you
been caught with a
promise giddy who
be guided by one
you must carry the
promise out giddy
it comes with you
comes with you it
in this floor
shadows are more insecure
they,re rolling about
the ground
in my hands I feel a deepening end
in my hands deaf
and afraid
this is not
new for you scrawl
and voices that fall
down the stairs
been caught with a promise giddy
this is wrong is bad
is alone
this is growing up
my fate I,m fake
violins make songs
violate this sound
listen to this sound
I can fake that day
I could make it great
I can stole the truth
and hurry up
I can fake that day
I coul make it great
I can stole the truth
and hurry up
with my pocket full
take my life and
harry up crawl to
feel that it,s so bad
pain against against
against assail
pain again again
again hate
pain against against
against sweet
pain again again
again swear
swear im yours
swear im yours
swear im yours
pain against pain
again sweet