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Cold Night For Alligators
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Art Lyrics

Hate, takes many forms, like the, vicious, little black bird, and its dead son

Yesterday, ideas were formed, and then buried - There's the tide revealing landscapes
And then it vanishes, it's the interpretation of art
Sending waves right back at you

Unfair quotes, assembled the worst in you, surfer
You get what you give, so please foster lovers
Won't you show the world the wisdom of yours, choose to believe in the common man
Please don't waste your words, do not hide, reveal. You will be tasting the rivers of the world. Let me hold you thoughts, in my hands

Please don't waste your words, You will be tasting the rivers of the world, let me hold your thoughts

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these lyrics are submitted by itunew3
Record Label(s): 2016 Long Branch Records
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