Mis Amigos Lyrics
My friends and me
We live a lot
we live carefree
But if we're not
We got to be
Just good to our friends
Cause me and my friends
We live a lot
Mis amigos y yo
My friends and me
We think a lot
We think about me
And what i got
I got to be
Just good to my friends
Cause me and my friends
We think a lot
Mis amigos y yo
My friends and me
We smoke a lot
We smoke weed
And then the pot
But we don't like seeds or sticks or stems
Cause me and my friends
We smoke a lot
Mis amigos y yo
My friends and me
We drink a lot
We drink to me, we drink to Scott
But we'd like to be
Just good to our friends
Cause me and my friends
We drink a lot
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Songwriter(s): courtney taylor-taylor
Record Label(s): 2008 Beat The World Records
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