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Rolling In On A Burning Tire
Dead Weather


Rolling In On A Burning Tire Lyrics

The moon is always full for us,
The road is always clear
That's not...what you want to hear

One is born so one can die
You must wait a real long time
That's more...than you can bear
And the days will come and go
And the band will march alone
Till the day you cast a shadow
And it's nothing like your own

Rolling in on a burning tire
You're gonna set my house on fire
Just to show me...that you were there
Flowers raised up like a snake
You will raise to leave me bait
And always...always take

And the days will come and go
And the band will march alone
Till the day you cast a shadow
And its's nothing like your own

the moon is always full for us
the road is always clear
that's not...what you want to hear

(that's not...what you want to hear)

Thanks to Dead-Weather-Fan

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these lyrics are submitted by mta_mta
Songwriter(s): Dean Fertita, Jack Lawrence, Jack White, Alison Mosshart

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