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I Could Be An Angle
Eighties Matchbox B-line Disas
Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster wikiI Could Be An Angle video


I Could Be An Angle Lyrics

I saw your picture in the paper today I was impressed but
i wouldn't not say You are the queen of the USA You
always save it for the end of the day I would'nt doubt
doubted you Cos what your doing while I'm feelin blue I
know you people and your heart is true Cannot stop
thinking of what I feel for you But now i feel I have
down wrong

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Marc Rohan Norris, Symren Singh Gharial, Tom Niki Diamantopoulo, Andrew Samuel Arjunan Huxley, Guy Edward Mcknight
Record Label(s): 2004 Universal Island Records Ltd A Universal Music Company
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