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Lazy Bones
Eighties Matchbox B-line Disas
Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster wikiLazy Bones video


Lazy Bones Lyrics

Hear me momma, hear me now
Kill me momma, kill me now
Hear me momma, hear me now
Why oh so biblical, why oh so biblical
Hear me momma, hear me now
Kill me puppa, kill me now
Hear me momma, hear me now
Why oh so biblical, why oh so biblical
Shut up and hear my song
Woah ooo, woah ooo
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Come and feel it up and down
Hear me momma, hear me now
Hear me puppa, hear me now
Why oh so biblical, why oh so biblical
Hear me momma, hear me now
Kill my puppa, kill me now
Hear me momma, hear me now
Why oh so biblical, why oh so biblical
Shut up and hear my song
Woah ooo, woah ooo

Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Hear me momma, hear me now
Kill my puppa, kill me now
Hear me puppa, hear me now
Why oh so biblical, why oh so biblical
Hear me momma, hear me now
Come and feel it up and down
Hear me puppa, hear me now
Why oh so biblical, why oh so biblical
Shut up and hear my song
Woah ooo, woah ooo
Woah ooo, woah ooo
Woah ooo, woah ooo
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song
Ride is a city, with our song

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