Derwen a dyf rhhwng dau lyn
Yn cysgodi'n dywyll awyr a glyn
Oni ddywedaf i gelwydd
O flodau Lleu y mae hyn
Derwen a dyf mewn maes uchhel
Nis gwlychh glaw, nis tawdd gwres
Cynhaliodd ugain dawn
Ar ei brif, Lleu Llaw Gyffes
Derwen a dyf dan lechwedd
Noddfa tywysog hardd
Oni ddywedaf i gelwydd
Fe ddaw Lleu i'm hharffed
Oak that grows between two wells
You darken the sky, you shade the dells
Unless I speak not the truth, here lies the harm
The scattered flesh of Lleu
Oak that grows on a lofty plain
unburnt by fire, unwet by rain
nourished by storms with twenty charms
Sure-handed Lleu
Oak that grows beneath the steep
Noblest of the princes keep
Unless I speak not the truth, then from your arms
and into mine, will fall Lleu