Total views: 1 time this week / Rating: 5/10 [2 votes]Album: Shoes / Hotwired / Original Release Date: 2010-04-19Genre: AlternativeSong Duration: 2 min 19 sec
Verse 1: it's not the way you walk., it's not the way you hold your fork, it's not the stupid things you say in bed when i come in your face. the way you hold a cigarette, the way you smile when you're wet, the way you make me cups of tea when i stay round at your place. chorus: it's just the shoes you wear, it's your shoes that turn me on, i don't choose to stare, so please don't get me wrong verse 2: i think your shoes can say alot, 'bout who you are or who you're not so much more than gloves or coats or hats or glasses can, but when i see you out in heels, then i know your not for me. but the different thing is your wearing converse all stars chorus instrumental bit chorus chorus 2: it's the shoes you wear that have made us last so long it's the shoes you wear it's the shoes that turn me on