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My Own Urine
Jesus Lizard
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My Own Urine Lyrics

The dry air holds a distinct fascination
For those who are unfamiliar
For those who are unfamiliar
With any other way of living

And I can see by their eyes
I can see by your eyes
I can see by your eyes
I can't see, I can't see by my eyes

And I remember the morning I awoke
I remember, but not very well
Marinating in a pool, a puddle of blood and urine
My own urine and someone else's blood
My own urine, someone else's blood

I can see by their eyes
I can see by your eyes
I can see by your eyes
I can't see, I can't see by my eyes

That lady so ugly
She looks like Dracula

I can see by their eyes
I can see by your eyes
I can see by your eyes
I can't see, I can't see by my eyes

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Songwriter(s): David Yow, Duane Denison, David Sims, Carey Mcneilly
Record Label(s): 2009 Touch And Go Records
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