Now then
Now then
Really glad to be a career inmate in this jail
You weigh that much
They hang your ass
Your head pops off
You big fat lump
Without a bean
Now then
Now then
Whose child is that you carry inside your womb?
The dad is gone
The baby's f*cked
Before it's born
A bastard kid
What will you do?
Now then
Now then
Now then
If you're displeased with yout insane sex drive
There are better ways
Of curing it
Than slicing off
Both your balls
With some old knife
check amazon for Now Then mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by musixmatch2 Songwriter(s): Duane Denison, David Yow, Carey Mcneilly, David Sims Record Label(s): 1996 Capitol Records, LLC All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws Manufactured by Capitol Catalog, 1750 No Official lyrics by
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