Ecru is a critic
Loves to see the show
Just doesn't know when to say yes
And when to say no
But that's because of beige
You see, beige has taught ecru
A funny point of view
That true is like false and false is like true
Who could expect to get anything straight?
Like an answer, I mean
From an ecru that thinks
Or thinks that it thinks by the thought it was taught
That love is the same as hate
That shouldn't's the same as should
That dumb is the same as smart
That bad is the same as good
A kind of critical confusion in critic
Could've have complications almost arithmetic
Those of us, are there any? Too many
Who have to know exactly what to do, what to see, what to say, what to think
Will have to wait until ecru is ready with his double talking trade to make steady unsteady
Calling crooked straight
But what the heck, you know, ecru
Just a free loading critic who loves to see the show
Just doesn't know when to say yes
Or when to say no