Get down to it
It’s thursdaynight and I’m watching my boys
Tryin’ to break the air with noise
I’ve got a bottle of wine
And my righthand is on the mic-stand
I’m singing to them walls again
I know there not listening but They became my audience
Oeh, the way they cheer is filling up this atmosphere
And the the music just stops
Right from the top, again, my friends
First we have a joke or two
Three or four makes the perfect five
This alcoholic family is ill
Refill my cup and get quite serious how did we ever get
so ridiculous
So come on, and strap that guitar on
‘cause we’re playing that song now
When we get down to it
Hardly any beer left, but we get down to it
When we get down to it, see these empty pockets
Man we get down to it
So if you can lend us some money
Feel free
Now the clock strikes Friday
This evenings looking up
The door opens and what do we see
A drunken sailor with Bacardi-coke behaviour
Points out that it’s time to leave
So big up to our Jewish charm, the pride of the north
side whistles a song
Curly don’t forget to put you head back on
Now give us a hug mister melody, let’s all sit down at
the nearest bar seats
And right there stops my memory
When we get down to it
The glass is always half full
When we get down to it,
Drunk and beautiful
Yeah we get down to it
Right until the morning birds sing