Twinkle Lyrics

What if all the lands in this world all collide, all
A baby on this line or that line coincide, coincide
I’m sure you’ve had a friend with loved ones over your
On other sides
Tell me, what’s the use in these sides
They just collide, all collide

In the twinkle of a life we will learn to use our eyes

The big men say to fight or we’ll die
We comply but we still die
Their secrets leave us blind with no chance to survive
Freedom’s a lie
Tell me, why should I think you’re right
Why should I, Why should I
Do I have a chance to not fight
I’m on your side and we make this line

In the twinkle of a life we will learn to use our eyes

We never say enough

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2004 Craft Recordings , Distributed by Concord
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