Yum-yab Lyrics

i saw a white finger on a barbed wire fence.
i knew it was dangerous but i took the risk.
and yes it was sweet so sweet to eat.
now see how the flesh is pricked and bleeds.
yeah it bleeds. it bleeds. yeah it bleeds. see how it bleeds.
i saw a lil baby crawlin' down the street.
i said hey come over here you smell good enough to eat.
i said hey come over dear and you know what i'll do.
i'll make you my mirror of the things that i chew.
little yum-yab. Litrle yum-yab
we are the wild. we are the risk.
come little yum-yab. come slash your wrist.
we are the wild. we are the risk.
come little yum-yab. gimme a kiss.
we are the wild. we are the risk.
come little yum-yab. come slash your wrist.

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Songwriter(s): Michael Gira

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