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Are You Happy
Where Fear & Weapons Meet
Where Fear & Weapons Meet wikiAre You Happy video


Are You Happy Lyrics

Are you happy with yourself because you don't give a f*ck
about no one else? You turned your back on something you
were into. Why don't you follow things all the way
f*cking through? I'm not trying to tell you what to do.
You made your choice but I have to ask why. Just the
other day you were involved in something you believed.
You always said 'had it in your heart'. I look around.
You're nowhere to be f*cking seen. You walked away from
your friends. Never said something f*cking bothered you.
Were you into it just to pass time? Looking for
acceptance? Wanted new friends? You made your move.
Newest f*cking trend. Left us empty handed. Your actions
speak louder than f*cking words. Are you happy with
yourself because you don't give a f*ck about no one else?
You turned your back on something you were into. Why
don't you follow things all the way f*cking through? I'm
not trying to tell you what to do. You made a choice but
now it's f*cking up to you. Are you happy with yourself?

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Bob Stone
Record Label(s): 1999 Revelation Records
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