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Under The Bridge
Where Fear & Weapons Meet
Where Fear & Weapons Meet wikiUnder The Bridge video


Under The Bridge Lyrics

People stop talking from time to time. A petty argument
the had in the past, but please move on. Don't hold a
grudge. There's not much time to carry this on. I can't
begin to understand the way people think when conflict's
in sight but this to me is nothing but water under the
bridge. I keep moving on. Have to understand, life is too
short. It's all water under the bridge. I don't have the
time to hold a grudge. I try moving on. Life is too
short. I don't have the time to hold a grudge. I keep
moving on with my life. Have to understand life is too

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 1999 Revelation Records
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