There lieth a land by savagery scarred
Drenched in blood that is bitter, yet proud
There lieth a land of forest and fell
Myth to the minds that in marble halls dwell
There layeth a law 'pon soils untilled
Mightily cleaveth in twain under shield
There layeth a law for dread to allay
Held above reavers a hammer, well frayed
There breaketh a bond by treachery's hand
Distant the minds of marble, from land
There breaketh a bond, for devils await
Set upon pastures as vermin or flame
Yielding the March Law
Never to stand
Yielding the March Law
By treachery's hand!
There dieth a land by poison ingest
Poured from a vessel of marble afresh
There dieth a land of vigour bereft
Drained by the yielding of law, we rest
Yielding the March Law
Never to stand
Yielding the March Law
By treachery's hand!