Top Brian Thiessen Albums
click on the album covers to see brian thiessen lyrics inside the album
Joy to the World
Joy to the World
Through the Seasons
Through the Seasons
House of Peace
House of Peace
Road to Home
Road to Home
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Duets & Collaborations (1)
Related Information for Brian Thiessen
InnerView: Brian Thiessen Written by Administrator InnerViews are candid glimpses into the heart behind some of today's worship leaders, serving in the Vineyard Music’s InnerView is with Brian Thiessen, a Vineyard worship leader and songwriter from North Langley, British Columbia, Canada IWCOM: How and when did you become a Christian?BRIAN: I was about six years old I remember feeling a sense of urgency, to get outside, to go somewhere private, so I went behind a woodpile and gave my life to Jesus And I remember the sense of joy that followed IWCOM: How did you get involved in worship ministry?BRIAN: Since I was about six or seven, I would play violin in church orchestras, mostly around Christmas time I took part... read more
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