Traditionally, “mayday” is an attention grabbing distress signal, so, it’s no wonder that the Miami-based hip-hop group ¡
MAYDAY! is generating a sound way too strong for anyone to tune out.Starting out as a 2-man project ¡
MAYDAY! has since evolved into a full-fledged 6-man band with a buzz so loud that it came to the attention of hip-hop mogul Lil’ Wayne who had to stop and take notice. He invited the band, which consists of MCs Bernz and Wrekonize, producer/guitarist Plex Luthor, bassist/keyboardist Gianni Ca$h, drummer L.T. Hopkins and percussionist NonMS, to be his on-screen band in 3 of his videos (“Get A Life,” “Da Da Da,” and “On Fire”), had them perform at his 2010 Super Bowl party, and then gave them the ultimate high-...
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