Formed in late 2006, Monday Math Class or “MMC” is a powerpop band. It started when Priscilla Jamail had this idea to form a pop band with Ario Soenarjo. So they did, recorded and recorded. At the time Monday Math Class was just the both of them and and it was just for fun. For half a year or so, they recorded songs at Priscilla’s living room with the help of Macbook G4, a note book and a guitar. After a while, they decided that they wanted to perform in front of the public. So, in early 2008, along came the manager, Abazh, with her on board they started to get gigs around town. To complete the band, Ghyan Praveen and Hasief Ardiasyah had filled in backing vocal. On stage, they also got some help from their good friends, Gigih... read more