Nargaroth is a German black metal band created by René “Ash” Wagner (formerly “Kanwulf”) in Germany, 1996.According to Ash,
Nargaroth was formed in 1989, but due to contradictory statements of Ash, this date is disputed, as well as the release of the seven track instrumental demo Orke in 1991. It is supposed that this demo was actually released in 1999. The demo Herbstleyd, which Ash claims to be released in 1993, was probably not released before this date.
Nargaroth’s first album Herbstleyd was released by No Colours Records in 1999, followed in 2000 by Amarok, which is not an album but a re-release of old recordings, as well as the controversial demo Fuck Off Nowadays Black Metal, (released as a demo resulting to disp...
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