Top Ovens Albums
click on the album covers to see ovens lyrics inside the album
Fired from the Vogue Pt. 1 - Single
Fired from the Vogue Pt. 1 - Single
Ovens - EP
Ovens - EP
Related Information for Ovens
Millbrae, California's Ovens are some of the catchiest most timeless sounding pop you've ever heard. Weezer meets the Beatles meets the Beach Boys meets old Bee Gees meets Guided By Voices meets the Fucking Champs, super rocking, punky here and there, metal once in a while, but always total pure pop genius, with lyrics about doing drugs, getting fired, falling down the stairs, getting hurt, how much they suck and how their songs all sound the same, doing more drugs, all delivered by vocalist Tony Molina (Caged Animal, Dystrophy, Scalped, Violent Change, Lifetime Problems)who sounds uncannily like the skinny John from They Might Be Giants! Acoustic guitars, wild shredding leads, buzzing distorted chug, warm wheezing keyboard... read more
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