Top Terror Reid Albums
click on the album covers to see terror reid lyrics inside the album
NOD YA HEAD! - Single
NOD YA HEAD! - Single
On Sight! - Single
On Sight! - Single
Hot Vodka 2
Hot Vodka 2
Dynamo - EP
Dynamo - EP
Hot Vodka 1
Hot Vodka 1
Duets & Collaborations (1)
Related Information for Terror Reid
Terror Reid is an American rapper from San Jose, California.In his interview with Daily Beat,Getter,explained that Terror Reid is his hip hop alter-ego: I’m Terror Reid! I put on a ski mask, and I rap. Basically what I do is I huff propane to get high as f*, put on a ski mask, and then I get blacked out and rap for an hour. It’s me, but I don’t know it’s me. The only reason I know it’s me is because I see pictures. It’s kind of like an alter-ego thing or a side-effect of huffing propane.... read more
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