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Black Heart Procession
Black Heart Procession wikiSuicide video


Suicide Lyrics

As my bones creak and my veins scream
While my spirit breaks I hear you calling me

As my heart aches and my hands shake
While my mind fades from these dark days

In the valley where I come from
everybody watches the blood run
No one will lend you a knife or a gun
But they'll cut your wrists
and hang you by the neck
I like your suicide
You show up in the middle of the night
Blood drippin from your wrists
Pills on your tongue and a gun in your hand
A rope around your neck
I hope god is your friend
I like your suicide

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): James Lavelle, Richard Leigh File, Joel Cadbury, Brett Shaw, James
Record Label(s): 2009 Temporary Residence Ltd
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