Total views: 1 time this week / Rating: 10/10 [1 vote]Album: Chipmunks Roasting on an Open Fire / Original Release Date: 2000-08-29Genre: ComedySong Duration: 1 min 38 sec
Hark how the cocktails
Seem to flow
Gin tanqueray
More Chardonnay
Christmas is near
Drinking good cheer
Ice cubes are cold
More Cuervo Gold
Don't be a dink
Watch what you drink
Don't be a dork
Don't pop the cork
Don't take the wheel
Don't be a heel
Don't grab the stick
Don't be a dick
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Don't let your buddy Budweiser in the car
Be a bud and don't drink and drive
If you think you've had a few too many
Grab a booth and sober up at Denny's
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Hark how the cocktails
Seem to flow
Don't drive away
Don't swerve and sway
Christmas is near
Drinking good cheer
Ice cubes are cold
More Cuervo Gold
Don't be dink
Watch what you drink
Don't be a dork
Don't pop the cork
Don't take the wheel
Don't be a heel
Don't grab the stick
Don't be a dick
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Have Shirley Temple drive
You'll get home alive
She's a friend that
Won't drink and drive
If you drink Gin Fizzes like the fishes
You will land your britches in the ditches
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Don't drink and drive
Don't take the wheel
Don't be a heel
Don't grab the stick
Don't be a dick
Don't drink and drive
check amazon for Carol Of The Bartenders mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by kaan these lyrics are last corrected by unknown on December 20, 2016 Record Label(s): 2000 Atlantic Recording Corporation for the United States and WEA International Inc for the world outside of the United States Official lyrics by
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