COMMENTARY (only few statements from this is what gtb actually sings)
This track was originally called "BOMB LA SCINTILLA" and was talking about CB being banned by a preachy Italian @punk crew running a squat called "La Scintilla" due to matters of antipathy and incompatibility of attitude/beliefs, behind fake motives like a personal story on which some of our lyrics/statements were focused on (many years ago) and tons of other bullshits. To us it just looked as a matter of envy and blind competition in a dead scene. It's ways easier to spread shit, boycot and obstruct a band than show acceptance and try to build a reality made of different faces, not necessarily fitting the same standards and dusty ideals. The song title + part of the lyrics have been lately changed according to an even worse experience we had on the last day of our East Coast/USA tour in May 2002. CB have been disallowed to play at “ABC No Rio” in NYC because of the artwork of a CD we released a while back. A lot has been said already on this matter: freedom of expression vs narrow mindedness of the most “political” branches of the scene etc. etc. You can read more about it in the press/reports section.
Welcome a new target, a band promoting rape and sexual obsessions
Fair Yankee decency meeting a subliminal threat to women’s safety,
Preventing stay-clean kids from a world of disturbed, discriminating perverts.
Minimize, point the finger. “just a shocking idea that fits their nihilism”.
We simply chose our own style of expression for those able to scan the subtleness of details
a multishaped provocation can hide. Are you on the right or simply falling in a trap
devised to prove who’s the fool and who has class? I’m sorry we can’t help fools to
get smarter, for you I’ll always be a rough expression of misogyny, sexism and male superiority.
segregated for years
cut out from yer fake scene for no concrete reason
suppressing a mentality you disapprove or envy
mouths kept shut under the axe of prejudice and PC elitarism
isolation of the different - makes me feel like censored
wasn't that something you were supposed to oppose?
Never thought that somebody could wish to defend individuality
from a reality of polished mediocrity, pseudo fights for the abused
lesbian pride, rrriot sluts, idealistic preachers, intellectual fags pointing the finger,
anti-homophobic sermons… your paranoias, your wasted time.
a smell of frustration … as you're always viciously sticked to the smallest problem
aware of the fact that you've no balls enough to face the real ones
that's why you ban us, that's why you take up the stand of those that can judge,
you feel right when you accuse me - as I'm the kind of problem you've been looking for
as we inspire antipathy in our being ourselves, living the HC thing in a personal way,
not givin' a shit about your militant political slime.
[PS:] "shall we burn'em down in their rich kids squats
where their bitches are having home births
because the 90's children must be taught
to kill at will and f*ck peace on earth"